Bank Reconciliation Report

The Bank Reconciliation Report lists Outstanding Items, Cleared Items, or Cash Balance.

  • Select Outstanding Items, Cleared Items, Cash Balance, or Recon Summary from the Report Type section.
    • Outstanding Items lists all records for that bank that have not been cleared or voided.
    • Cleared Items lists the records that are currently marked for processing or have been cleared on the entered statement ending date.
    • Cash Balance lists the banks cash accounts beginning and ending balance in addition to the same detailed information that you see in Manage Accounts for the banks cash account for the selected date range.
    • Recon Summary lists available summary statements so you can reprint the summary report that generates when processing a bank recon.
  • Select a bank from the Bank drop-down list.
  • Enter the As of Date using the Calendar feature for Outstanding Items and Cleared Items, or enter a Date Range for Cash Balance.
  • Click generate report to create the report.

Sample Outstanding Items Report

sample outstanding items report

Sample Cleared Items Report

sample cleared items report

Sample Cash Balance Report

sample cash balance report





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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021